That’s Ed, He Likes to Interact

newpageed15cIt used to be enough simply to craft a print piece that dazzled its audience with style, grace and elegance. But more and more it’s all about interactivity – using your piece as a gateway to multimedia experiences. Not sure where to begin? NewPage reasonably suggests you pick up the latest brochure in its “Ed” series: “Ed #15: Interactive Print.”

“Ed #15” gets off to a great start by featuring Layar augmented-reality (AR) technology, which plays videos of noteworthy projects on your smartphone whenever you hold it over an AR-enabled page. Some really interesting examples of interactive print here, including:

  • newpage_ed15_120pxA brochure featuring sunlight-sensitive inks that reveals hidden pictures when exposed to sunlight
  • A page using LEDs to bring fireflies to life on the printed page
  • An ad that unveils invisible words and pictures when swabbed with a wet sponge
  • A car insurance ad with a built-in texting system so that readers can receive an instant price quote.

PaperSpecs PRO members, click here to request your copy of the “Ed #15: Interactive Print” promo today. SORRY THIS OFFER HAS EXPIRED.




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