New Collections for The Luxe Project

Moo_SeanAdams3When asked AdamsMorioka co-founder and partner Sean Adams to design the newest collection for The Luxe Project, and have 100 percent of the net proceeds go to charity, he jumped at the chance.

An instructor at Art Center College of Design (Pasadena, CA), Adams selected the Art Center College of Design Scholarship Fund as his charity.

“It is important to support the next generation of designers. As a teacher I’ve seen too many remarkable people leave school because they couldn’t afford to continue. A creative person does their best work when they are free to concentrate on the work, and not be distracted by financial issues. I appreciate that MOO has given me the ability to support our future designers in this way,” he says.

Adams designed not one but three collections: the joyful “Pattern and Colour,” the unique “Sad Places,” and the fun “Ships Ahoy!”



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