Laser-cut, Glow-in-the-dark Goodies

glow_125Like a starving fellow separated from a banquet by a plate-glass window, we are at our most exhilarated/frustrated when viewing pieces of paper perfection from lands far away. The French agency Murmure is a particular tease, as they seem to take every opportunity to push the boundaries of their art, clients be damned. Though in this case, it might just be that they happened to find some pretty cool clients.

For the Nordik Impakt electronic-music festival in France, Murmure went wild with posters, invitations, and all manner of other goodies designed to promote the event.


Maddeningly quiet on the details as they are, we are left once again to soak up every pixel of goodness and draw our own conclusions. Nearly everything here glows in the dark, including a pair of intricately laser-cut glasses, made entirely of paper.




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