Motion Silhouette Book

shadow_125Amazing. Simply amazing. Shortly after viewing the brief video below we were overcome with the beauty and delicacy embodied by this pop-up children’s book. Motion Silhouette, by Megumi Kajiwara and Tathuhiko Nijima, is made to order by hand (!) and features delicately cut pop-up elements whose shadows interact with the rest of the book, furthering the tale being told. Bonus points to them for using a smartphone to interact with the book in a simple-but-unexpected way.

And here is how it was made:

  1. Christina Kaya 2 years ago

    How beautiful. What a lovely way to bring the interaction of the reader and the book to a whole new level. Thank you for your brilliance. You have warmed my heart.
    – Christina

    • Author
      Aaron 2 years ago

      Thank you for those kind words, Christina 🙂

  2. Manuela Nogueira 2 years ago

    This book is great piece of art that honors other kinds of art. Is a beautiful way to write poetry.
    Thank you for this blessing.
    I found it some years ago, on the internet, by chance anda I’m trying to buy it for a long time without sucess.
    I live in Portugal.
    But I’ll not give up.

    Thank you, once more, for this precious piece.


    • Author
      Aaron 2 years ago

      So happy to hear you were inspired by it, Manuela. We wish you luck in your search 🙂

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