Holo for the Holidays

Envi Card Stock with EnvirofoilIf you’re looking for a new eco-friendly alternative for your clients’ gift and loyalty cards, Monadnock would like to throw an arm around your shoulder, chuck you affectionately under the chin, and tell you all about a new addition to their Envi Card Stock line: holographic enhancements.

Employing Hazen Paper‘s film-free transfer metallized Envirofoil, Envi Cards can now boast eye-catching holographic effects while remaining comfortably in the 1% – the 1% of gift cards NOT made of enviro-nightmare PVC.  That’s because Envi Cards – even the ones boasting the Envirofoil technology – can be recycled in your mixed-paper recycle bin.

PaperSpecs PRO members, Monadnock is making 50 limited edition Envi Card sets available to you. Enter to win one today! Hurry, contest ends April 7th!

Envi Card Stock with EnvirofoilEnvi Card Stock with Envirofoil

This news also gives us the opportunity to sneak in a nod to one of our favorite movies as the packaging was created using Envirofoil. So there.

Envirofoil Scott Pilgrim packaging


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