2015 Letterpress Calendar

mrcup_letterpress_calendar_125If you were to hold a gun to our heads and demand that we name our favorite designer of 2014, we’d probably sputter out “Fabien Barral aka MR CUP.” (Though if you think you are likely to do this, please check your firearm in the lobby of PaperSpecs Towers.) In terms of people who consistently produce work we’d actually put on our wall, desktops and anywhere else there’s room – MR CUP is our cup of tea. (Boom tish.) And here’s his letterpress calendar for 2015!

Though not as grab-you-by-the-lapels-and-smack-you-around awesome as his 2014 Creative Manifesto calendar, 2015’s is still a visual and tactile experience you won’t soon forget. Though the calendar also features designs from the likes of Andy Luce, Joe White, Matt Stevens, Reno Orange, Simon Walker and Christel Loop, you can always tell the ones created by MR CUP – think “street art” as rendered by an expert letterpress artist.

Limited to 500 copies, the 2015 Creative Manifesto calendar is printed on 700g French paper, with each of its 13 cards in a different color referring appropriate for the season. The first 200 copies are edge painted, with each card edge-painted in its own unique color. The covers of the first 100 copies also glow in the dark!

Many more pictures here. Calendars can be ordered over here.


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