Dear Billy, Mommy Has a Problem

felt_app2Picture it. You come home after a hard day’s work, sift through the mail, and amongst the circulars and final demands is a handwritten card from your mom. After pouring yourself a tall one and settling down with this rare treat, you bask in this rarity of rarities.

You decide to shoot mum a quick email to let her know you received her note and that you will be replying in kind in the next few days. “Oh, I didn’t write it myself, silly,” she emails you back. “There’s this great new app I found for my iPad called Felt…” And whatever she says next disappears into that tin ear we all develop for close relations.


Sure enough, a quick search reveals that Felt allows the iPad addicted to scribble up a note on their device, press a digital button, and have those jottings applied to a card and envelope, which is dispatched to its recipient. I suppose we should appreciate the fact that they’re using paper cards at least, but what of the sender’s thrill of choosing the right card, and finally applying pen to paper?



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