Institute of Contemporary Print

Print blanket manufacturer, Trelleborg, will launch the “Institute of Contemporary Print” at DRUPA 2012 (May 3 -16, 2012)

If you’re lucky enough to be at this seminal event in Germany, Trelleborg says you’ll find a creative and interactive space where you can relax, experience exciting art and discover the possibilities of modern print.

Taking center stage within the Institute will be ‘The Masters’ Collection,’ a compilation of artworks produced in association with aspiring students from Germany and the Netherlands.

These have been specifically developed to showcase modern interpretations of some of the world’s most famous pieces of art, while demonstrating the versatility, capabilities and range of the company’s printing blankets on virtually any substrate.

Delegates are also invited to be a part of drupa history and get involved with the first-ever live mosaic that will be created on stand from delegates photos. As the event progresses, so will the interactive collage. By the end of the two-week exhibition, a modern-day masterpiece will be revealed for all to enjoy.


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