Happy Holidays from PaperSpecs

Before we fill out our own paper wish list for Santa, everyone here at PaperSpecs would like to take a moment to wish each of you happy holidays and a Happy New Year.

We’ll be taking a little time away from PaperSpecs Towers to remind friends and family what we look like, (and why it’s nice to have us away the rest of the year). More importantly, we’ll also be preparing ourselves to bring you a 2013 featuring more:

  • Breathtaking design in the PaperSpecs Gallery
  • Free webinars covering cutting-edge paper and printing techniques
  • Mill swatchbooks and promotions galore
  • Glimpses of tomorrow’s paper creations.

Before we give this year the ol’ heave-ho, don’t forget to check out the Top 10 Paper Tips of 2012, and please do drop us a line with any requests for 2013. Look for the next PaperSpecs Newsletter on Jan. 9, 2013.

It’s been a heck of a year. Thanks to you all for inspiring us each day to find new ways to inspire you at PaperSpecs!


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