Free Webinar on FSC Labeling Standard

Only 6 more days … so you should sign up now for “Your Guide to the New FSC Labels” webinar!

monica_inviteThe event is free thanks to the generous support of Kallima Paper and will cover the key revisions to the FSC Labeling Standard (a lot has changed in the last 12 months).

Guest speaker Monika Patel, FSC Canada program officer, will reveal:

– FSC Labels: what the new labels actually are and why they were created
– FSC Label Definitions: what each label title signifies
– FSC Label Use: selecting the correct label, proper label placement, obtaining label approvals
– Graphic Requirements: updates to color, border and background

There are many misconceptions about FSC and FSC labels in the marketplace. This webinar will help to clear up any confusion on FSC labels and how to use them. Register today.


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