Design for Good

AIGA has launched the Design for Good initiative, which it expects will connect and amplify the pro bono efforts of designers, firms and chapters.

“Design for Good is about using our collective creativity and empathy to improve the world we live in,” writes AIGA. “Every day, designers are creating better communities by working with nonprofits and citizen groups to improve the human experience. If one person can make an impact, imagine what 22,000 designers can accomplish.”

The group will provide resources – advice, inspiration, training, case studies and opportunities – to expand the reach of social-change projects while supporting design as a profession.

To learn more, please go to the website. You can see what other designers are doing; find out how to get started through groups, chapter projects and national initiatives; share your story so that designers working on similar social-change projects can learn from your experiences; and find advice on leading pro bono projects.


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