Debbie Millman Playing Cards

cards_125There seems to be something of a resurgence in the playing card world of late, which has given rise to a crowd-funding site dedicated to the creation of custom “luxury” cards: Deckstarter. Co-founded by The Dieline‘s Andrew Gibbs, and playing card pros Dan and Dave Buck, the site pretty much works like Kickstarter.

Currently up for funding: a deck designed by AIGA President Emeritus Debbie Millman. (And literally, there is only ONE DAY left to help Millman’s pack reach its goal.)


Each pack features 54 different designs ranging from the brilliant to the abstract, to the how-many-more-of-these-$#@-cards-do-I -have-to-design?


Perhaps the most appealing part of this set is the limited-edition “Magicpak” case the cards come in, which become animated when you open and close it. We can see playing with the pack alone for weeks on end during conference calls. (The cards are nice too, Debbie, but we have the attention span of a…ooh, look over there!)




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