Cool Packaging: 30 Million Gin

30 million gin packaging

Barcelona branding and packaging agency Enric Aguilera Asociados has been doing business for 30 years, which is more than enough reason to celebrate. By their estimate, they’ve had “30 million” adventures, and naturally wanted to get those clients and other people who’ve shared them a little something special. And if they could show off a little bit in the process, so much the better.

30 million gin packaging

They began with a simple silver wine label blind embossed with just some of the “30 million” items and experiences that they estimate have passed through their professional lives during those glorious three decades, including parties, dreams, emails, mock-ups and clicks.

30 million gin packaging

The gin bottle was then secured in this understated (but no less elegant) black box to which black ink was expertly applied. The result is a packaging experience that doesn’t necessarily push the boat out in terms of printing and finishing techniques, yet still impresses with the combination of two crowd pleasing ones nevertheless.

Discover more Cool Packaging right here!

30 million gin packaging

1 Comment
  1. Nik 8 years ago

    …and life is too short for boring branding.
    ?Cheers for a winner!?

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