Cool Cards of the Week

design studio business cardBusiness cards continue to capture our imaginations and inspire our sense of experimentation this week, with laser cuts taking center stage. Join us as we get our hands dirty under the hood, soar up above the clouds with an airline, and come crashing down to earth in time to run screaming for the exit. (Remember that the nearest one may be right behind you…)

Auto Industry Business Card

It never occurred to us how seldom business cards are actually targeted to the niche industry they serve until we came across Apex BBDO’s impressive work for engine parts supplier Hasbun. To you and me this might look like a pair of brass knuckles that went horribly wrong, but to those in the industry it’s quite clearly a riff on an engine gasket. (Or so we’re told. Admittedly we wouldn’t know an engine gasket from a slab of flubber.) The amount of detail that went into this piece is enough to capture the attention of mechanic and non-mechanic alike.
auto parts business card


Airline Business Card

We’ve never had the pleasure of flying with Dutch airline KLM but their card has certainly raised the bar of our expectations. On the front, several laser-cut cloud shapes have been laminated together to give you the subtle impression of a 3D sky for your fingertips as well as your eyes. And they certainly could’ve stopped there, but the back boasts some laser-etched clouds, too. Magnificent.
airline business card


Design Studio Business Card

This one comes from our own extensive Gallery archives from 2011, but remains an impressive calling card to be sure. This card for Exit Stage Left consists of Bainbridge 50/50 Total Gray museum board glued to a sheet of Crescent Pure Red construction paper, and gives every impression of being an actual exit sign in miniature. How on earth could you NOT hang on to this for years to come?


design studio business card


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