A Moment of Packaging Zen

tea_125It’s so easy to forget just how transcendent exquisite design can be, something we were reminded of when we came across this beautiful packaging by the Victor Branding Design Corp. in Taiwan. The product is Taiwan High Mountain Tea, a range of maple, bamboo, cedar, plum, pine and lily infused teas. As The Dieline points out, each canister contains a tea grown on a mountain with a different altitude than the rest. Therefore each features a painting of the mountain, the bird indigenous to that mountain, and the particular plant that grows there (and gives that tea its taste).

The minimalist boxes alone are breathtaking before you even get to the more detailed canisters inside, and unfold to reveal a much more detailed image of the mountain with the canister at its center.


Even the language barrier works in its favor. Though we’re sure we’d all love to know how this packaging was crafted, we cannot, so are forced to enjoy the effect alone, which is probably the best way to experience this lovely piece. Babel as the protector of beauty’s secrets.





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