Rock Star Press Check

American society has a long and storied history of glamorizing the print professions, from “The Front Page” to “Mad Men,” yet not every part of the industry receives that same star treatment. “Graphic designers” are everywhere in Hollywood, for example, but where are the cool printers and packaging company execs? Well, as KBA North America revealed, one of the coolest ink-stained celebrities around recently conducted a press check in Mansfield, Mass. at his family’s folding carton facility.

Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler swung by Hub Folding Box Co. to run a critical eye over the packaging for the third EP from Kaneholler, a band that features Tyler’s daughter, Chelsea. KBA’s press release was maddeningly short on details beyond this little nugget:

‘[Tyler] always enjoys stopping by to see the plant’s latest equipment…”

steven tyler

which seems to have been just enough to spark the imaginations of thousands of print people around the Web. Not only was it one of PaperSpecs’ most shared LinkedIn status updates ever, it inspired dozens of comments like these:

  • “I like that. A successful musician who has balance in his life”
  • “Back in the Saddle (Stitch) Again”
  • “Shouldn’t wear a tie anywhere near the pressroom! Steve could end up in the box, with many folds….”
  • “You have to admire hard work. He does not need to do it anymore but he chooses to do it. Proud to be in the state of MA, go Tyler.”
  • “Back in the day, I did temp work at a shop in Chatsworth were Van Halen set up their own silk screen press. A very unassuming commercial building where they printed the tour T-shirts.”

Which naturally got us to wondering: Have you ever had a printing-related brush with celebrity? Please enlighten us in the comments below…name dropping strongly encouraged 😉

Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to shamelessly relive our childhoods with this video:


[H/T: Printing Impressions]


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