Pantone Pants and the Cult of 'P'

pantone_125You know, Pantone became a bonafide geek subculture so gradually we only just now realized it. And just what inspired this epiphany? Why learning that last month the color company launched its own line of men’s wear – the Pantone Universe Colorwear collection – at Barney’s New York.

For all you fellows dying to sport Pantone-sanctified fashions, get ready to stock up on:

  • T-shirts
  • Tank tops
  • Pants
  • Shorts
  • Sweaters
  • Hoodies
  • Jackets
  • Swimwear.

Personally, we think that kicking off a clothing line with men’s rather than women’s clothing is a bit misguided, but never mind. Chances are good that we will buy the men in our lives some piece of Pantone-eana; if we’re lucky, they’ll at least know that “Pantone” isn’t yet another line of Target causal wear.

We will continue to create little shrines to the company in our office made up of wee Pantone swatches pilfered from the local hardware store’s paint section, consult our Pantone bible daily to make sure our colors are correct, and we will pay heed to communications that come down from the mount every year about what the next year’s official color shall be.

We will do all of this because we are members of an odd little parish of geekery that knows that color is important, aesthetics matter, and Radiant Orchid is the 2014 color of the year, and don’t you forget it. And if some female art directors rotate a few pieces from the men’s Pantone Universe Colorwear into their daily wardrobe, they shall do it with pride in their souls…and mischief in their hearts.



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