$30K Raised for Hamilton Museum

hamilton_125Nearly one year after the beloved Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum lost its longtime home, Neenah Paper’s “Beauty of Letterpress” program has succeeded in raising $30,000 for the Two Rivers, Wis. institution. What makes this even more remarkable is the fact that the money was raised by selling one limited-edition $5 letterpress print at a time, with Neenah generously kicking in a $15,000 matching donation.

Said museum director Jim Moran in a statement:

“Our future appeared quite bleak only a year ago…a possible new building, the move out of the old one and the means to do it were daunting to say the least. Partners were needed and quickly. When the call came from Neenah with the offer to help raise funds with matching support, we were stunned…”

A number of rockstar artists and designers also leant their work to the cause, creating the aforementioned prints with all proceeds going to the museum: Mama’s Sauce, Studio on Fire, Design Army and Marian Bantjes just to name a few.

But Neenah’s not stopping there. This year they will continue to raise money for Hamilton Wood Type with the continued sale of prints. The latest comes to us from Tad Carpenter (see below).

It’s not often we get a happy ending in this business…let’s all just sit here a moment and bask in the glow of a job well done.

More on the Hamilton Wood Type drama here.





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