Love Me, Love Me, Robobbie

electriclove1Love is grand, chocolates are fab, and we will always hold a special place in our hearts for a simple red rose.

But honestly, when it comes to Valentine’s Day, the heart does yearn for a paper creation a smidgeon more ambitious than the usual lace-fringed red heart. Which is why our eyes lit up when we spotted Robobbie…whose eyes lit up in return!

Crafted by New York City animation director Norma V. Toraya (aka Crankbunny), this 7” x 10” lovebot ($29.50) is jointed, and his eyes light up when a special key card is slid into his “heart.” (Check out the photos – words alone make it sound more creepy than romantic.) Best of all, he’s pure paper.


“Robobbie’s body is made from three layers of paper that are sandwiched and held together with brads,” Toraya tells PaperSpecs. “The top layer is a thick Cover 24 pt printed duplex sheet. The second layer is a foam paper sheet that has all the electrical things. Third is a backing that is another thick Cover sheet. His arms, hands and legs are printed thick Cover.”

electriclove3The top sheet is digitally printed and cut out with the other layers, she explains. “The inside electrical things are fairly simple – just some copper wire, couple of LED bulbs and a tiny battery. When put together the paper robot ends up being fairly thick, so that helps with the 3-D quality.”

But can he dance?


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