‘Iconic New York’ Illuminated Print

Note: You can meet artist Rafael Esquer at PaperSpecs Live New York on June 2nd, 2023, where he’ll be one of 4 special guests for this day-long print lover’s event!

Many’s the time I’ve thought, ‘You know what New York City could use more of? Bling.’ Or maybe I haven’t thought that. Still, after seeing artist Rafael Esquer’s startling print “Iconic New York Illuminated,” perhaps I should’ve been thinking that all along. Comprised of more than 600 icons meant to evoke key aspects of the city, this piece is a riot of gorgeous detail. While admittedly a bit of a shock when seen from far away, close examination of this artwork is certain to leave even the most jaded art lover in awe.

As the print’s Alfalfa New York page warns us: “Look for pizza-rat in the East Village, the Miracle on the Hudson, a diamond-garnished martini for only $10,000, and a few legally topless women wandering about. And around every corner, watch out for pedestrians, prams, poodles, and pretzels!”

As is so often the case, a mesmerizing print begins by selecting the absolute perfect sheet upon which to show off your design. Here we see the four different metallic inks, and gold and silver foil beautifully set off by plush and plastic-like Gruppo Cordenons Slide, which provides a one-of-a-kind tactile sensation.

Just when you think you know New York City inside and out, a print comes along to play up the glimmer of a city already famous for its radiance.









Project Details

Title Iconic New York Illuminated Poster Client Self Design Alfalfa New York Print Alfalfa New York New York, NY Paper Gruppo Cordenons Slide C1S Black 120 gsm

Production Details

Dimensions 26 x 39" Number of Colors 4 metallic inks (golds, silvers) Finishing and Binding Foil stamp

  1. Linda Walls 7 years ago

    Stunning a beautiful piece ❤

    • Aaron Berman 7 years ago


  2. Robin 7 years ago

    Beautiful! I would love to get hold of a copy. Is it available for purchase?

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