New FSC Trademark Standard

FSC has announced approval of the “Requirements for promotional use of the FSC trademarks by non-certificate holders” (FSC-STD-50-002).

The standard indicates who is eligible to become a trademark licensed Non-Certificate Holder in order to promote certified products or FSC as a system and sets out the ground rules and graphic guidelines that apply to all those categories of trademark users not required to have FSC certification.

The standard covers the following types of uses by non-certificate holders:

  • Promotional use by organizations that, according to standard FSC-STD-40-004, are not required to have FSC certification (e.g. for promoting FSC certified products or promoting FSC as a system)
  • For educational or research purposes
  • By media organizations (e.g. on press releases, TV commercials)
  • Promotion of certification services by certification bodies and their affiliate offices.

If you have any questions, you may contact [email protected].


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