AccurioJet KM1 inkjet press home

Seth: Are you able to send me any info regarding Print Vendors who print Fine Art reproductions using Inkjet Printers? I would like to print on Watercolor Paper (and other Fine Art Papers; Epson Media would be good). If color reproduction and media diversity are key, the AccurioJet KM-1 from Konica Minolta seems to me to be your best bet. Are you looking to print in SC? I have to dig a bit deeper for this, but some  PSPs with this capability - at the top of my hat - would be Panoramic Press in Phoenix Flash Reproductions, Toronto, Clearwater FL Franklin Press [ ], Baton Rouge Memphis P.S. Okay so this image is not a fine art reproduction ;-), but we all know how particular car affifionados are when it comes to their print reproductions and this BMW Icon book was printed on a AccurioJet KM-1.

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