PRO Benefits: The PRO Inspiration Box


Are you like a child on Christmas morning whenever you receive a new swatchbook in the mail? Does every beautifully printed piece set your heart racing? Then we know you’re going to love our PRO Inspiration Box: our gift to you when you sign up for an annual PaperSpecs PRO membership.

Each PRO Inspiration box is made up especially for you – no two are alike! From the latest gotta-have-it mill promos to exquisite packaging and hard to find notebooks, you never know quite what you’re going to discover inside.



This box of surprises is just our little way of saying “Welcome to the family,” preparing you for one full year of tips, tools and tutorials designed to make YOUR designing life infinitely easier, including:

Ready to claim your own PRO Inspiration Box and see how much easier PRO membership can make YOUR life?







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