Personalized foiling? … It’s a game changer

Every year the German speaking Crème de la Crème of the confectionery industry meet in Ascona, on Lake Maggiore (Switzerland) for an Innovations-Workshop.

To impress suitable clients German printer Colordruck Baiersbronn went all out to create a stunning unboxing experience for a very select clientele.
They only created 40 boxes … and each one of them was personalized.

How did they do this?
You have heard of variable data printing.

Well, personalized foiling works much the same way. However, instead of simply printing the name in a “normal” color, a digital press first lays down toner (or polymer depending on which system your printer uses) of the different names or images you want to foil.

In a second step the foil is applied and adheres to said toner or varnish.

And because it doesn’t require any dies, plates or films, each piece can be a one-off. To the digital press it makes no difference.

This opens up a whole new world of creative possibilities

  • Folding cartons for a collection of high-end confections featuring several different foiled names and designs 
  • Shimmering point-of-purchase (POP) displays customized for dozens of different retail outlets 
  • Postcards featuring each recipient’s name in large, foiled lettering 
  • A limited edition series of art prints boasting glimmering foil accents in different places from print to print. 

The possibilities, in other words, are as boundless as your imagination.

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