It’s like hearing that two gorgeous friends from high school have finally tied the knot after all these years…if those...
18 Search Result(s) for: fibermark
The number of premium offerings in your local wine and spirits aisle seems to grow by the day, making...
When consumers browse the luxury wine and spirits shelves, they’re looking for the trophy they can bring back to...
Every day seems to bring another paper designed to out dazzle, out pop and out shine the one that...
Despite a reasonable number of wine aficionados out there, most wine and spirit buyers wouldn’t know a claret from...
With all of the printing techniques out there, it’s easy to forget how much luxury, personality and mystery can...
It never fails. I walk into Sephora and spot an incredible packaging design that makes me weak in the...
Remember that classic episode of “The Brady Bunch” when we anxiously waited to see which children from the two...
Neenah Yes, Neenah Paper and Neenah Packaging customers are savvy, experienced, and accustomed to getting a lot from Neenah....
While going to the Webosphere is fast and convenient for finding information or checking out the credentials of …...
When it comes to packaging design that has a premium look and feel, the Samsung brand is consistently at...
FiberMark When you’re selling upscale health and beauty products, you really want your packaging to look every bit as...
Maybe it’s the nearness of the holidays, maybe it’s just that PaperSpecs readers are a bunch of lushes (probably...
“I’m so sorry, but we don’t have this red sweater in a small anymore.” The sales clerk was truly...
When designed well, the small, simple pieces are often the ones we find most satisfying and most memorable. And...
FiberMark has launched a portfolio of new products for wide format inkjet printers. “Leveraging FiberMark’s core technologies and manufacturing...
FiberMark’s latest swatchbook for Touché Cover celebrates four new colors: pewter, mink, lapis and scarlet. The stock is known...
Creating an imaginary brand called Tactile, the designer and client take recipients of this self-promotion piece on a journey...